The Concept Art for “Avatar 2” Has Arrived

And it ain’t cute. Who asked for this? 
Film + TV
The Concept Art for “Avatar 2” Has Arrived

And it ain’t cute. Who asked for this? 

Words: Anya Jaremko-Greenwold

images courtesy of Disney

January 07, 2020

For some reason, James Cameron continues to labor under the delusion that Avatar is his best film, deserving of not just one sequel, but a threatening four. No one asked for this, IMO. While the movie was the all-time highest-grossing box office extravaganza for nearly a decade (beating Cameron’s own Titanic, lol), until being toppled by Avengers: Endgame in 2019, it has basically faded back into the cultural ether without much fanfare since then.

Has anyone ever invited you over to Netflix and Chill and watch Avatar? No. Is it available on any streaming services? No. Do you see memes featuring Na’vi? GIFs of it shared on social media? Essays on its continued cultural relevance? No, no, and no.

Still, Cameron cannot be stopped. His maniacal ambition, previously immortalized with immense accuracy on South Park, has driven him not toward attempting to rival his masterwork Titanic with some equally ambitious natural or manmade disaster flick, but toward getting down to business on Avatar 2, which is set for release in December 2021. That’s right: This thing is gonna take another two years to finish. And the first Avatar came out in 2009. Is it worth it, James?

The concept images for the promised sequel, revealed today via the film’s official Twitter account, remind me of nothing more than the excellent ’90s puzzle adventure computer game Myst. Which would’ve made them impressive…thirty years ago.

Look at those bare blue butts with tails sprouting improbably out of them. Chilling. I already hate this movie. Check out the art teasers below.