Florist Recognize That Everything Is Constantly Shifting on New Track “Feathers”

The group’s self-titled album is out July 29 via Double Double Whammy.

Florist Recognize That Everything Is Constantly Shifting on New Track “Feathers”

The group’s self-titled album is out July 29 via Double Double Whammy.

Words: Margaret Farrell

Photo: Carl Soelther

July 06, 2022

Florist, which began as a solo project for Emily Sprague, expanded into a quartet that includes Jonnie Baker, Rick Spataro, and Felix Walworth for their forthcoming self-titled album, arriving July 29 via Double Double Whammy. Today, they've shared the final pre-album single "Feathers."

The track opens with gentle acoustic guitar and Sprague's vocals sounding slightly foggy. Later, pedal steel and soft percussion accompany her reflective lyrics. The single undergoes a transformation mid-song, slowing down after Sprague sings: "I'm ready to be infinitely open." Then her thinking focuses on the vastness of the world, the life still undiscovered and unlived. "Sometimes I think I have too many paths / So what do you think? / Should we just be here on the land / Listening to the sounds of life around us pass?" she offers at the track's end.

"This song is a meditation on the cycles we follow all throughout our lives,” Sprague said. “As individuals, as families, as humans. The motions we go through that stay the same just set in different scenes. The fears and the dreams that sculpt our journey through this experience of life on earth, and our continually shifting perspective along the way."

Listen to "Feathers" below, and pre-order Florist here.