Mandy, Indiana is an experimental quartet that combines the seduction of dance music with the mystique and danger of industrial heaviness. The last we heard from Valentine Caulfield, Scott Fair, Simon Catling, and Alex Macdougall was in 2021 with an EP officially titled ... EP. Today, they've returned with a new single "Injury Detail" that was produced by Fair and Giant Swan's Robin Stewart.
On the new track, Caulfield repeats ominous phrases over tinny percussion and bursts of steam. Like an insidious billionaire who's trapped a couple of poor souls in a cave for battle all for the pleasure of watching uncensored violence, Caulfield announces for "Player 1" to ready themselves against their opponent. She speaks almost cheerily in her native French: "Nothing is true / Everything is allowed / Finish off your opponent," the lyrics translate. It's grim and suspenseful, packing the punch of a thriller film in less than five minutes. The real chill comes from Caulfield's giggle at the end.
The track was "inspired by the idea of being trapped in a liminal space, with the guitars creating a seemingly limitless and undefined landscape," Caulfield explained. "The vocals act as a guide to possible salvation, or perhaps something of a more sinister intent.”
The song is accompanied by an eerie backrooms-esque Thomas Harrington Rawle–directed video to help illustrate these ideas—watch it below.