They’ve Got a Stew Goin’: Brian Grazer Says Seventeen New “Arrested Development” Episodes Are In Development

Unconfirmed from Netflix right now, but the news comes from the mouth of the spikey-haired legend himself.
Film + TV
They’ve Got a Stew Goin’: Brian Grazer Says Seventeen New “Arrested Development” Episodes Are In Development

Unconfirmed from Netflix right now, but the news comes from the mouth of the spikey-haired legend himself.

Words: Nate Rogers

April 07, 2015

2013. Arrested Development intro screenshot

While sitting down with Bill Simmons on the B.S. Report, Brian Grazer, big-shot Hollywood producer of every movie and TV show ever, seemingly offhandedly, made the huge announcement that another season of Arrested Development is in production.

Simply in discussion with Simmons about the highs and lows of his career, the topic of the Bluth family came up, and Grazer went on record, saying, “I love Arrested Development, but it was never a huge thing. But people are loyal to it and we’re going to do another seventeen episodes. So stay tuned for Arrested Development.”

Simmons must not have known that this was previously unannounced news because he unfortunately didn’t press Grazer for more information (real fans would have blue themselves in that situation), but as far as things go these days, that sounds pretty locked-in.

Watch the announcement below.

(via Pajiba)