Disregarding the fact that they have in their possession possibly the greatest could-be wedding band name of all time, the Vermont/New Jersey–based duo Vows are in fact beholden to a bond at least equally as strong as holy matrimony (for those who have the knack/tendency, at least): that of home recording.
Jeff Pupa and James Hencken are on their third DIY go-round under the Vows moniker—with their latest LP Soon Enough Love arriving this summer on the Vermont label Section Sign Records—and have now shared “Candy,” the promising first glimpse of what fruit has been born while working with their wholesome set-up and style for the last few years.
The new single has a bigger sound than their earlier work, and recalls some of the heavier tunes from fellow East Coast homebodies Woods, but also finds the group grooving towards a more psych-infused electronic soundscape in the vein of Tame Impala.
Soon Enough Love is out this summer on Section Sign Records.