It was only a matter of time before Netflix finally embraced its role as the stopper of all work, and now, with the brand-new trailer for Orange Is the New Black‘s third season the company has finally apologized…well kind of.
In the show’s teaser trailer, which shows the entire Litchfield crew back together along with some brand-new faces entering the prison, Netflix has started to push the branded CTA for the show #SorryNotSorry. We know you feel no remorse in making us miss an entire day of work to binge-watch the entire third season (if my boss is reading this, I have an unmissable doctors appointment on the premiere date…uh, I mean, June 12)! You can stuff your fake sorries in a sack, Netflix. We’re on to you.
The entire third season of Orange Is the New Black will be available on Netflix starting on June 12.