With her latest album Safe to Run out Friday, April, 21, longtime New Orleans–based singer/songwriter Esther Rose takes us on a journey through her new stomping grounds in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
As it turns out, it's somewhat challenging to have a perfect day. Things break down, people break down. Life on the road is equal parts wild, weird, glamorous, and chaotic. I genuinely believe that a small miracle is taking place when we make it to the gig on time and there's a nice audience waiting to hear us. Therefore, when I’m home I keep things really mellow. So here is my perfect mellow day.
I love to wake up with black coffee and two hours of songwriting time (please, never call me before 10 a.m.). After that, I’m hanging out in the kitchen, answering emails, and doing Zooms in my sweatpants like it’s 2020. My smoothie game is on point. Lately, it’s been mango, banana, coconut milk, OJ, and fresh ginger. Long mornings at home feel like such a treat between touring. Can I get a late checkout?

I am now dangerously caffeinated and headed to barre class. Tiger Barre is one of the most intense workouts I’ve ever endured. A friend calls it “MILF training”. This class is awesome in many ways; I get to laugh and sweat with some of my favorite people and I feel more at home in my body.

Next, I grab a sausage and green chili burrito from The Original Pantry on my way to...

…therapy! Everyone say hi to my therapist!

Recap: I’ve worked on creative pursuits, physical aptitude, and childhood trauma. Now it’s time to hang out.
Betterday Vintage is one of my favorite places to find a new tour look. Here are a few rules to shop by:
1. If the jeans fit, you must buy them.
2. No remorse about buying vintage leather (pants, jacket, chaps, whatever). It never goes out of style.

Angela Cefaratti, owner of Betterday Vintage
I am craving water and sunshine, so l cruise to Montezuma Hot Springs. It’s about an hour's drive, but it’s free and the water is so nice.

For dinner, I link up with the LOML Christian Sommer and we get together with friends for a potluck. There are so many lovely restaurants in town, but I prefer home-cooked meals in intimate settings.

We stop by El Rey Court for a nightcap at La Reina. Fun fact: I moonlight as a bartender here when I’m home. I love the folks I work with, and I love our mezcal cocktails. My favorite drink is La Ultima Palabra.