Dizzy Define Insanity in the Video for New Track “Close”

The Ontario four-piece’s self-titled third album arrives August 18.

Dizzy Define Insanity in the Video for New Track “Close”

The Ontario four-piece’s self-titled third album arrives August 18.

Words: Gareth O'Malley

Photo: Boy Wonder

June 07, 2023

While the forthcoming self-titled third album from Dizzy is still a few months away, the Ontario four-piece have been busy. They wrapped up a brief UK tour a couple weeks back, and they’re now back home, taking the stage at Spring Tide Festival in Uxbridge this weekend. In addition to all of this, they’ve released the fourth single from the new record.

“Close” is accompanied by a video directed by Boy Wonder. Lead singer Katie Munshaw says of the song that its roots lie in an incident that occurred on the road a few years ago. “Back in 2019 we were on tour in Eau Claire, Wisconsin when the wheel bearing on our van went kaputz on American Thanksgiving. It was a hard day, but the only thing I can really remember about it is laughing in the mechanic’s waiting room and then finding our way back to a hotel with a bottle of green room whiskey. We’ve been through a lot as a band, but we always manage to reconnect on itchy hotel beds between episodes of Family Guy. ‘Close’ is about a lot of things, but mainly it’s about the comfort Mack, Charlie, and Alex bring me.”

Simultaneously about finding comfort in long-term friendships and the uncertainty and disappointment that can sometimes accompany new starts, the song’s video leans into the latter of those themes. “‘Close’ is [also] a song about trying at something until you realize maybe that thing was never meant for you at all—love, a new friendship, a career choice, whatever. The video is a meditation on the saying ‘get back on the horse’ and shows me and an older version of myself repeating the same pattern over and over again, expecting a different result.”

Dizzy will follow up 2020’s The Sun and Her Scorch, and is out on August 18. In the meantime, check out the new video below.