Watch Savannah Conley Perform “Don’t Make Me Reach” in Kingston Springs, Tennessee for “Neighborhoods”

She performs outside of the cabin where she wrote much of her debut album, Playing the Part of You is Me.

Watch Savannah Conley Perform “Don’t Make Me Reach” in Kingston Springs, Tennessee for “Neighborhoods”

She performs outside of the cabin where she wrote much of her debut album, Playing the Part of You is Me.

Words: FLOOD Staff

June 27, 2023

Last month, Nashville-based singer-songwriter Savannah Conley released her album Playing the Part of You is Me, an impressive debut rich with songs on love, heartache, and personal growth. It's clear music is in her blood; unsurprisingly, her mother was a professional back-up singer and her father was an accomplished studio musician. 

For her "Neighborhoods" session, Conley ventured out to the rural community of Kingston Springs where she was raised, about 30 minutes outside of Nashville. She performs one of the album's stand-out tracks "Don't Make Me Reach" on the steps of the cabin where she wrote much of the album's material.

‘Don't Make Me Reach’ was written really quickly," she revealed. "I think I wrote it in 10 minutes in a pretty desperate feeling moment. I felt very defeated and had nothing else to give to the situation I was in. The only guitar I had in the house at the time was an old acoustic that was missing a string that I tuned to some dumb alternate tuning and that song was the result.”

Watch her "Neighborhoods" session below, and check out her debut album here.