Writer/illustrator/philanthropist/pretty good kickball player Dave Eggers has been steering the (pirate) ship of McSweeney’s Publishing for almost eighteen years now—an operation that has continuously provided a landing place for developing and essential literary voices through their quarterly journal, Believer magazine, and full-length book publishing across the board—and following their recent move to become a nonprofit operation, they’re looking for help funding their next set of projects.
Launched today, the Kickstarter campaign is seeking $150,000 ($23,000 of which has already been raised) for all-purpose, honest-to-goodness publishing money, and to incentivize, they’ve put together one of the craziest (and best) sets of reward options in crowdfunding history.
Besides offering up rare and bundled releases from the McSweeney’s back catalog, there are also some truly excellent specialized rewards available, such as a week of email correspondence with Nick Hornby, a note written by Spike Jonze to someone you love on a copy of the Her script, a story written for you by Rebecca Curtis, a commissioned animal illustration from Eggers himself, and the unbelievable “David Cross Experience,” which is basically him picking a book from his shelf to give to you, amongst many more amazing choices.
You can check out the full campaign details and donate here.
(via BuzzFeed)