Beach Day
Native Echoes
As proven with their 2013 debut Trip Trap Attack, Beach Day know how to make surf-pop tunes that urge you to plunge into the nearest body of water. Native Echoes, the band’s latest, sees the duo take a sharp sonic turn to gritty grunge-rock, abandoning their swimwear and beach towels on the shore. That playful girl group sound lingers, but there’s a new edge to Kimmy Drake’s tone and Skyler Black’s steadfast percussion that elevates Beach Day into the realm of addictive garage rock. A simple loop of crashing waves playing in the background of the LP carefully breaks up the reverb and distorted riffs. Where Trip Trap Attack was playful, Native Echoes veers towards poignant lyricism without sounding broody. Native Echoes still urges listeners to enjoy the sand and surf, but maybe this time sans swimwear and with a flask in hand.