Jazmin Bean has been causing quite a stir during their time in Los Angeles to promote their new album, Traumatic Livelihood. Part of this adventure was to treat their most devoted West Coast fans to an intimate album preview. Inside the suitably magical Black Rabbit Rose club in Hollywood on a Saturday afternoon, 50 of Jazmin’s fans converged, most dressed in beautiful custom outfits befitting of an encounter with an artist who’s inspired them creatively and sartorially.
Bean joined the group to listen to the album, keen to hear what the fans thought of the music. As the group was taken through a journey filled with magical poetic storytelling, beautiful honesty, sweeping melodies, and captivating hooks, Jazmin searched to see their response to the music, and following the playback, requested their thoughts and listened to their input with the type of pure and earnest enthusiasm only reserved for someone who has truly made an album for their fans.
A beautiful “Cake of Dreams” birthday cake was shared to celebrate their birthday that week. As the group dispersed back out into the craziness of Hollywood Boulevard on a Saturday night after posing for photos with Bean, there was no doubt that they were leaving inspired and enriched by what they had just experienced.
Traumatic Livelihood is out today—stream it here, and check out the photos below.