Hinds Share First Spanish-Language Single “En Forma”

The duo’s new album is set to arrive on September 6.

Hinds Share First Spanish-Language Single “En Forma”

The duo’s new album is set to arrive on September 6.

Words: Will Schube

Photo: Dario Vazquez

June 12, 2024

Thrice-over FLOODfest favorites Hinds have returned with a new Spanish-language single entitled “En Forma,” the band’s first release to be sung entirely in their native tongue. On the track, a pulsing kick drum leads things off before rapid-fire vocals aim to capture the overwhelming feelings of a panic attack. That sounds unpleasant, but it’s actually quite a lovely song.

Regarding its origin, the duo’s Carlotta Cosials explained: “My boyfriend broke up with me and I turned 30 years old in the same week. This was the first song I could write after months of feeling absolutely devastated, immobile, and pathetic. I just wanted to get better but I just couldn’t, I couldn’t cope with this eternal race of being happier and better and cleaner and healthier.”

Bandmate Ana Perrote added, “When I talk with my girlfriends, in the same afternoon we can chat about wars, philosophy, love, and clothes. I tried to reflect on this song the chaos and huge spectrum of what it’s like to be a young woman these days. How overwhelming it can be to juggle the news, politics, our bodies, relationships, and laundry.”

Check out the video for the track below, and pre-order the group’s fourth album, Viva Hinds, here. It’s set to arrive on September 6.