Perfect Day in Copenhagen: Trentemøller

With his seventh album Dreamweaver landing this week, the Danish dream-pop composer shares his itinerary for an ideal day in his hometown.
Perfect Day

Perfect Day in Copenhagen: Trentemøller

With his seventh album Dreamweaver landing this week, the Danish dream-pop composer shares his itinerary for an ideal day in his hometown.

Words: FLOOD Staff

Photo: Philippe Mazzoni

September 12, 2024

For nearly two decades now, Trentemøller has been a reliable source for visceral ambient music, whether it be the techno-inspired recordings of his early years or his more recent immersion into the world of dream pop. The composer’s latest release, Dreamweaver, finds itself aligning with the recent slowcore revival on early single “Nightfall,” while “Dreamweavers” takes a compellingly minimalist approach to art pop—though all of it feels familiar to the moody Trentemøller discography from the beginning.

Despite the inherently nocturnal nature of these songs, Trentemøller appears to be a day person, as is evident in the list of activities he cites while taking us through a perfect day in his hometown of Copenhagen. From the local kid-friendly café to an afternoon spent in his studio to a nightcap at a nearby wine bar, he does an effective job of selling the Danish capital city.

Check out his recap of a perfect day spent in Copenhagen below, and pre-order Dreamweaver before it drops tomorrow here.

I’m lucky to have one of Copenhagen’s absolute best Italian restaurants, Pirlo, right next to my studio. It offers a unique and modern gourmet twist on Italian cuisine. I go there often for the incredible food and top-notch service.

A truly unique and super cozy little café—very kid-friendly. My five-year-old son is a huge fan, thanks to the lovely Pia who runs the place with a warm heart. Highly recommended!

Ramen 88
Across from my studio is a great little ramen joint that often takes care of my lunch. It’s got a cool Japanese, manga-inspired vibe with lots of colorful parasols hanging from the ceiling and manga figures everywhere.

Amager Strand
I run here several times a week in the morning. It’s super close to both my studio and where I live. I use the beach year-round—nothing better in the summer than a dip in the sea, cycling barefoot back to the studio, and getting straight to work!

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This is where I spend an insane amount of time. All my records have been made here! I love my gear, especially my Revox tape reel. I’ve also got a (way too) large collection of effects pedals here.

Cozy Jazz Corner
My jazz nook—where I chill out and rest my soul and ears when I need a break from the studio.

My best friend Sofie is an incredibly talented designer who runs her own brand, Sophia Lee. The clothes are so cool! Her shop is in Nørrebro, on a vibrant street full of life called Elmegade. Disa, who sings on my new record and performs live with my band, often rocks one of Sofie’s jumpsuits when we play shows.

Right next to Pirlo in the same alley is their amazing wine bar, called Vinfar. It’s quickly become one of Copenhagen’s best. But it’s more than just a great wine bar, it’s an amazing restaurant—they even serve breakfast and lunch. Definitely my go-to spot!