Ennio Morricone, possibly the world’s most accomplished living film composer, has behind him a body of work that is perpetually inspiring new generations in the field, but at eighty-six, he’s by no means slowing his consistent output. In a just a few months, Morricone’s latest score—for Quentin Tarantino’s The Hateful Eight—will come out, and as if that’s not enough, it has just been announced that he will work with Terrence Malick next.
Malick himself has three films coming out, but the one in question is actually the filmmaker’s first-ever documentary. Based on its description, Voyage of Time could really manifest itself in any number of ways content-wise, but it’s being plainly described as “an examination of the birth and death of the known universe.” And for those of you who are concerned about sitting through another Tree of Life-size abstraction, Malick has announced that there will be two versions of the documentary—one condensed at forty minutes, and the other feature-length.
This project will bring Malick and Morricone back together thirty-seven years after they first collaborated on Days of Heaven with masterful results.
(via Paste)