The six-episode first season of The Returned, Sundance TV’s re-airing of French channel Canal+’s Les Revenants, was one of the most striking shows of 2013. The show follows the daily life of a small French village whose deceased have mysteriously returned to life and wish to pick things up where they left off before death. That means reuniting with lovers who are now happily married, bonding with a twin sister who is suddenly much older, and, of course, dealing with the confused reaction of the community—and all of it set to an appropriately unsettling score courtesy of Mogwai. Think of it like a zombie show for Kubrick fans.
Now, with the second season having already aired in France, Sundance TV has released the trailer for the US showing, which looks to be a touch more violent than the series’ first season. You may want to think twice about vacationing in the Alps.
Season two of The Returned premiers on Halloween on Sundance TV. Season one is currently streaming on Netflix.