Beth Ditto is no stranger to the world of fashion. The Gossip singer has modeled for Marc Jacobs and Jean-Paul Gaultier—the latter even designed Ditto’s wedding gown—and back when Gossip were a local band banging out shows in Olympia, WA, Ditto was scouring Goodwill and altering her finds to suit her needs.
Now, she’s announced her first-ever clothing line. It’s a collection called Beth Ditto ♥ John Paul Gaultier, and according to a press release, the line will focus on fashion gestures typically missing from plus-sized clothing: think embroidery, silks, and rayons. “It’s my lifelong dream to get to design real clothes for big people,” Ditto says.
While the full collection won’t be revealed until February, you can get a taste for the esprit behind Ditto’s work right now. She and Gaultier have released a dress-length t-shirt that plays with the latter designer’s iconic “bullet bra” design worn most famously by Madonna; that’s it below. The back of the shirt features actual adjustable laces, making it something of a “loose-fit corset,” as Gaultier calls it. The shirts are available for purchase now at Ditto’s website, with a portion of the proceeds going to the Girls Rock Camp Foundation.