WATCH: Al Pacino and Anthony Hopkins Battle for Josh Duhamel’s Soul in “Misconduct”

The legal thriller is out February 5.
WATCH: Al Pacino and Anthony Hopkins Battle for Josh Duhamel’s Soul in “Misconduct”

The legal thriller is out February 5.

Words: FLOOD Staff

December 18, 2015

Al Pacino in “Misconduct”

If Al Pacino and Anthony Hopkins are at war with one another, it would be best to not find yourself stuck in the middle. That’s exactly what happens to Josh Duhamel in Misconduct, the upcoming legal thriller starring the three actors. Hopkins plays a pharmaceutical executive accused of some shady dealings, and Pacino is the high-powered lawyer charged with bringing him down. Duhamel is a junior attorney at Pacion’s firm who finds himself drawn into the action when he has an affair with one of Hopkins’ associates. From there, things twist into darkness, as films involving Anthony Hopkins and Al Pacino are often wont to do. Check out the trailer below.

(via Dark Horizons)