PREMIERE: Merge onto The Dan Ryan in the Groovy World of “Tidewater Rain Love”

“The Dan Ryan” is out May 27 via Cosmic Dreamer.
PREMIERE: Merge onto The Dan Ryan in the Groovy World of “Tidewater Rain Love”

“The Dan Ryan” is out May 27 via Cosmic Dreamer.

Words: FLOOD Staff

April 26, 2016

2016. The Dan Ryan cover crop

If you’re from the Chicago area, you may be familiar with the Dan Ryan Expressway. Funny, the way that a highway can be named to honor a person, but in turn that person’s name can become more synonymous with the cement and paint of the road than as associated with the actual person. Welp, time to add one more way in which the estate of ol’ Dan Ryan is no longer in control of his name: Nathan Dixey, a member of the band Hospital Ships, has taken it for his side-project—The Dan Ryan—whose debut LP is out next month on Cosmic Dreamer.

As you might’ve heard already on the track “Fleeting,” the new project is related to the gentle psychedelia of the Hospital Ships, but is perhaps a bit more open-ended and jam-oriented. We’re pleased to be premiering “Tidewater Rain Love,” a new track from the upcoming self-titled album, which feels like a downstream float through a rainbow river. Grab something floating by and hang on.

Dixey had this to say of the track:

“Tidewater Rain Love” is a song I wrote after touring France with my friend Jordan Geiger’s group Hospital Ships and later traveling to California with my girlfriend. At that time, I felt a great sense of liberation; a shift in perspective from weathering a great storm to opening myself up to new people and places, ideas, and feelings. A liberation and sense of limitlessness emerged from those trips.

You can listen to the track for yourself below.

The Dan Ryan tracklisting

The_Dan_Ryan-2016-self-titled_Cover1. Fleeting
2. Filthy Lungs
3. Fever Dreams
4. Hold Down
5. Tomb
6. Tidewater Rain love
7. Tomorrow Forever




The Dan Ryan is out May 27 via Cosmic Dreamer.