Matt Schneider named his musical project, Moon Bros., after an early twentieth century carriage company. Besides that being pretty funny considering that there are no brothers—let alone other members—in this band, it’s also an effective image to put in your head when listening to the music. Rustic, loose, and forward moving, Moon Bros. is a wagon ride to nowhere in particular—a trip outside just for the sake of the fresh air.
If you’re not buying the analogy, consider this: to date, Schneider has made five Moon Bros. releases, but three of them have been lost, having fallen off the wagon (proverbially speaking). Only albums four and five—Dancehall Sound and Frijolillo—have survived to the digital age, but they will soon have company with album number six.
These Stars, out in July on Western Vinyl, is the first Moon Bros. album to see wide release, and ahead of that occasion, we have a taste of what’s to come with the track “Pitch.” At over six minutes, the song is as patient as it is thoughtful, and channels the likes of Bill Fay and early, porch-pickin’ Tom Waits. Pull up a chair and listen below.
These Stars is out July 8 via Western Vinyl.