Viral Gap ads aren’t anything new, but Gap has been stepping up their advertising game this year with their latest “Dress Normal” campaign—first they hired the esteemed David Fincher (Gone Girl, The Social Network) to direct a series of moody (and strange) black-and-white ads for fall, and now Sofia Coppola (The Virgin Suicides, The Bling Ring) has lent her creative touch to their 2014 holiday ads.
The commercials are a combination of sentimental pandering and “normal” clothes, a reminder that your parents were normcore way before it was cool. The tagline, “You don’t have to get them to give them Gap” is meant to be a play on the fun and quirky weirdness of our families around the holidays. But in actuality, it’s kinda a little flippant, insisting that you don’t actually have to know your relatives to buy them Gap.
Check out the four ads below, but just remember, it’s still November so don’t let yourself get burnt out on the holiday spirit too soon.