J.E. Sunde once played in The Daredevil Christopher Wright, but now he gets his thrills on his own. The Minneapolis singer-songwriter is preparing to release his second solo LP, Now I Feel Adored, and it finds him excavating a mine of melody, largely guided by the divining rod of a heavy bass guitar.
But today we’re premiering the video for “Prism,” and it’s led by something else altogether. The song revolves around a spindly guitar melody lightly reminiscent of The Walkmen’s “Blue As Your Blood.” Sunde straps it to a clip-clopping rhythm and runs a number of instruments around it—including a cello that traces a sinuous line throughout the track. Just as the space-dusted video suggests, the end result is a song that feels rooted to the ground despite being urged upward, outward, and beyond, that single guitar line providing the thread that connects the earth to the sky. You can check it out below.
Now I Feel Adored is out March 3 via Cartouche.