There are few things in the world as stupid as cancer, which is why the nonprofit Stupid Cancer needs little introduction by way of goal and message. Fittingly, then, Balkan Beat Box—the Israeli hip-hop fusion group currently in support of their new album Shout It Out—needs little introduction themselves (if you happen to be a newbie, the best way that they can be summed up is that their music was appropriate to be used in both FIFA 17 and Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping). Naturally, the two entities have made a great pair for BBB’s upcoming tour.
On Balkan Beat Box’s American dates coming up next month—all of which we’re stoked to be presenting—attendees can support Stupid Cancer by participating in the prize package giveaway, including a vinyl copy of the band’s new album, as well as a Crosley turntable to play it on. Check out the full list of those dates below.