Cold War Kids
Hold My Home
After shedding some founding members and adopting two Modest Mouse veterans, Cold War Kids’ sound has been through the heavy-load cycle. Hold My Home, their fifth studio album, feels like a band that is on their way to finding their footing again, but may need another go-around to get the balance just right. Their signature blues-tinged rock meets post-punk/psych-soul has softened around the edges, making Home feel more like a collection of could-be anthems. Nathan Willett’s no-inhibitions vocal range reminds us why Cold War Kids is a unique beast. While the vocalism is arguably the best we’ve heard from CWK, these songs beg to be heard live. Although it reaches for life and vigor, Hold My Home seems to still be on the hunt for its soul. It’s likely that spirit will manifest during those live shows, but the recorded tracks just aren’t as full-bodied as the offering hopes to be.