Captain Marvel is down with Trent Reznor.
As Marvel’s newest superhero continues to blaze up the box office, the movie’s lead character has inspired rock legends Nine Inch Nails to create a commemorative t-shirt.
Not to give too much of the film away, but Captain Marvel’s real world alter ego, Carol Danvers, looks to just fit in. So the movie’s costume designers landed on an old-school white-on-white NIN logo tee for her to wear.
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The decision to use the distinctive logo goes beyond the band’s music, according to the movie’s costume designer, Sanja Milkovic Hays.
“There was a lot of back and forth [about which band would go on her shirt], because we thought about the music, but we also had to look at the logos,” Hays told Popsugar. “We looked at some logos of bands, and some of them are very busy and colorful and stuff like that, so even though their music could be appropriate for the character, it would be too distracting from her face. But Nine Inch Nails was kind of sweet and subtle. It’s there, but your eyes don’t keep going down, dragging your attention from her face.”
To commemorate the moment, Marvel and Nine Inch Nails have collaborated on a new t-shirt, available in the band’s online merch store. The limited edition item retails for a reasonable $25, and comes in both white and grey.
The white-on-white NIN logo shirt Carol wears in the movie has also been restocked in the band’s merch store and is available here.