After initially limiting himself to roughly one film a decade for forty straight years, art house legend Terrence Malick has recently entered into a strangely prolific phase of his career. Beyond the surprise of churning out movies in successive years for the first time with 2011’s The Tree of Life and 2012’s To the Wonder, Malick is now in “post-production” (emphasis on the quotes) for three films—a documentary and two features (one of which being the wacky production that shot during Austin music festivals in 2012).
True to form, all three of these projects are intensely vague in details, but it appears that the first up will be Knight of Cups, a drama starring Christian Bale, Natalie Portman, Cate Blanchett, and many, many others. Along with the news that the film will premiere at the Berlin Film Festival in February, a full-length trailer has just been released, providing a little more context for a movie that had previously only been summarized (in the most Malick-y way possible) as being about “a man, temptations, celebrity, and excess.”
Though it is notably lacking in dinosaurs, check out the trailer for Knight of Cups below.
(via Vanity Fair)