The Coolies, a supergroup comprised of Melanie Vammen, Palmyra Delran, and the late Kim Shattuck (frontwoman of The Muffs), have announced a third pressing of their debut benefit EP Uh Oh It’s… The Coolies! following Kim’s passing last week due to complications from ALS.
The Coolies aimed to raise funds for The ALS Association Golden West Chapter, whose mission is to discover a cure for the disease. Backed by Little Steven Van Zandt and released on his record label Wicked Cool Records this past July, all the proceeds from the album have been going toward The ALS Association. The first two pressings sold out quickly, and the third will serve as a tribute to Kim. The six songs on the EP were all written by Shattuck herself (Melanie co-wrote “Ignoramus” and Palmyra collaborated on “Blueberry Crumble”).
“We’re incredibly touched and grateful to see all the beautiful memories, tributes, and photos of Kim that have been shared,” Melanie and Palmyra said in a press release. “We’re also super proud of The Coolies project that the three of us worked on together, along with the Wicked Cool Records team. We’ve received overwhelming requests for more copies of the vinyl EP that was released in July, which has sold out two pressings. Since then, 100 percent of the proceeds have been donated to The ALS Association Golden West Chapter, totaling close to $10,000. There will now be a third pressing on the way, and we’re looking forward to raising even more money for research for treatments and a cure for ALS. Thank you to all who donated.”
You can purchase Uh Oh It’s… The Coolies! here.