Back in October, LA-based garage rocker Kate Clover revealed her single “Channel Zero,” which will precede her debut EP set for release early next year. Before then, though, she’s announced a new variety show, with the debut episode premiering here today. Directed by Orange Is the New Black’s Rebecca Knox, the series features the likes of Ian Scott Dorey, The Abigails’ Warren Thomas, and the Black Lips’ Jared Swilley—not to mention a magician.
In the first episode, streaming below, Clover’s band—all dressed exactly like her, hair done up just like hers—rocks through “Channel Zero.” “It felt intuitive to have a TV show be the format to present my live set,” she shares. “I love the formality of talk shows. The format itself feels sarcastic to me in a sense because it’s so put-on and artificial. We made it our own surreal world full of the absurd.”
Watch the absurd unfold below.