Watch Holly Macve Perform Her Track “Bird” in West Yorkshire for “Neighborhoods”

The Irish-born songwriter plays the opening track from her new LP in an English forest.
Watch Holly Macve Perform Her Track “Bird” in West Yorkshire for “Neighborhoods”

The Irish-born songwriter plays the opening track from her new LP in an English forest.

Words: FLOOD Staff

May 11, 2021

This Friday, Irish songwriter Holly Macve will release her sophomore album Not the Girl, which has already been teased by heavily atmospheric, alt-country singles like “Be My Friend” and “Daddy’s Gone.” Ahead of release day, Macve’s previewing another new track via a “Neighborhoods” session: album opener “Bird,” in its live performance, sounds like the singles that came before only slowed down and stripped to just Macve’s dominant vocals and dense electric guitar strums.

The video was shot in a forest in West Yorkshire—an appropriately calming locale as made evident by the placid body of water in the opening shots and the soft tweeting of birds in the background. With a backdrop of tree trunks and greenery (and not another human in sight), unwind with the video below.