Watch Geographer Perform “Hollow (Do You?)” From His Home in LA for “Neighborhoods”

Mike Deni’s new album “Down and Out in the Garden of Earthly Delights” arrives November 12.
Watch Geographer Perform “Hollow (Do You?)” From His Home in LA for “Neighborhoods”

Mike Deni’s new album “Down and Out in the Garden of Earthly Delights” arrives November 12.

Words: FLOOD Staff

July 15, 2021

Just over a month ago, Mike Deni shared his single “Hollow (Do You)?” as Geographer, the electropop project that’s been responsible for over a decade’s worth of vibrant, polished synth rock. It was a characteristically upbeat track that dealt with the types of complications that tend to arise in any relationship, which we find ourselves revisiting through a different lens after they’ve transpired. “This song is about all the bizarre things we say to the people we love the most, that we don’t even mean,” Deni told us. “But in the moment we are so utterly convinced of their righteousness, that we might even start yelling at each other.”

Today, Deni’s bringing this track to “Neighborhoods” with a solo keyboard performance of the single from the roof of his home in Los Angeles. Instead of the pulsing, synth-heavy beat, his piercing falsetto is matched by a minimal synth line. Watch the sunny, tranquil clip below.