Watch Alexa Rose Play “Haywood” (and Shop for Records) in Asheville, NC for “Neighborhoods”

Rose performs the track from her recent LP “Headwaters” on the roof of Citizen Vinyl.
Watch Alexa Rose Play “Haywood” (and Shop for Records) in Asheville, NC for “Neighborhoods”

Rose performs the track from her recent LP “Headwaters” on the roof of Citizen Vinyl.

Words: FLOOD Staff

September 21, 2021

This past Friday, Alexa Rose unleashed her latest collection of Americana ballads which seemed to celebrate an end to a period of heavy quarantine with a long list of studio players accompanying the album’s nine tracks. Headwaters is an orchestral and collaborative take on singer-songwriter country, with each tune layered with some combination of backing vocals, pedal steel, organ, and strings. Yet for her “Neighborhoods” set, Rose opted to take on the album cut “Haywood” as a solo endeavor. 

In front of billowing clouds and an ominous dusk sky, Rose performed the track on acoustic guitar for her set from the rooftop of Asheville, North Carolina’s Citizen Vinyl record store—perhaps not coincidentally located on a street that shares a name with the song she’s performing. Bookmarked with scenes of Rose browsing vinyl and enjoying a caffeinated beverage inside the record shop, check out the performance video below.