
Beth Gibbons

The run supporting the Portishead singer’s 2024 debut Lives Outgrown will kick off March 29 in Philadelphia.
Words: Will Schube
Photo: Netti Habel

50 records that dispel the notion that the 2020s will be remembered as the decade of the single.
Words: FLOOD Staff
Graphic: Jerome Curchod
Photos: Petros Studio, Annie Lesser, Skylar Watkins, Sam Rockman, Dave Free/pgLang

Already announced artists include Waxahatchee, ANOHNI, and Antipop Consortium.
Words: Will Schube
Photo: Eva Vermandel

Graphic: Jerome Curchod Photos: Petros Studio, Millicent Hailes, Molly Matalon, Skylar Watkins, Joshua Mellin, Eva Vermandel
25 records that could only be made by human intelligence.
Words: FLOOD Staff
Graphic: Jerome Curchod
Photos: Petros Studio, Millicent Hailes, Molly Matalon, Skylar Watkins, Joshua Mellin, Eva Vermandel

The debut solo album from Portishead’s vocalist poignantly straddles a divide between the bucolic and the experimental, past and the present, youth and older age.
Words: Mischa Pearlman

The Portishead vocalist’s new album Lives Outgrown will arrive May 17 via Domino.
Words: Will Schube
Photo: Netti Habel

The album from the Portishead icon will arrive on May 17 via Domino Records.
Words: Will Schube
Photo: Netti Habel

Lizzo / photo by Carlo Cavaluzzi
In our opinion, these were the new tunes worth your while during the first month of spring.
Words: FLOOD Staff

The Portishead singer unites with the Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra for a new album and movie.
Words: Scott T. Sterling

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