On the heels of appearing on the cover of FLOOD 12: The Los Angeles Issue, we are thrilled to announce we will be hosting an evening at SXSW with Phoebe Bridgers' Saddest Factory Records roster on March 16 at the Mohawk in Austin. "The Saddest Factory Records' Corporate Retreat invites all SFR 'employees' for an evening of team building, bonding and productivity—and also showcasing some music," the label stated. The inaugural "retreat" will include performances on Mohawk's outdoor stage from the entire artist roster—MUNA, Claud, Sloppy Jane, and Charlie Hickey—plus special guest appearances from SFR Founder/CEO Phoebe Bridgers and Caleb Hearon.
Doors open at 8:30 p.m.—following our official FLOODfest day party also at the Mohawk—and is open to SXSW badge holders. See you there, and check out our cover story on Saddest Factory here.