The monotonous repetition of work in a cubicle has the power to make us dream up some truly depressing and bizarre scenarios. This is the reality in “Work Patrol,” a banshee-like, satirical anthem from Toronto-based noise rockers Gloin. And with bassist Vic Byers on lead vocals, this psych-punk burner has the same attitude as that of an artist like The Slits.
The video for the single follows an animated worker—kind of a grizzlier Dilbert—as he’s terrorized by the work patrol, an entity in his mind pushing him to work harder, inducing states of horrific anxiety. The animation by Phil Osbourne works perfectly in tandem with the dizzying and spastic bass lines and vivid synthesizer flushes to create an overall hallucinatory sonic experience.
Check out the video below. “Work Patrol” is the second single off of Gloin’s upcoming LP We Found This, scheduled for release October 21 via Mothland—you can also find their subsequent North American tour dates beneath the new visual.