After introducing themselves in 2021 with their lightly funk-tronic take on indie-pop, Accelerator, New Orleans duo The Convenience return next month with a new chapter that sees them veering away from the warmly danceable tones of that debut toward icy post-punk. As heard on lead single “Dub Vultures,” the band formed by Duncan Troast and Nick Corson (who’ve also both toured as members of Hovvdy and Winspear labelmates Video Age) dive into more outré influences on the forthcoming Like Cartoon Vampires, with The Fall, Glenn Branca, and the mutant disco scene all being cited by the band as influences.
That trend continues with the record’s new cut “Opportunity,” which Corson notes is the end result of directionless jam sessions incorporating a variety of unconventional string instruments (well, stringed objects). “‘Opportunity’ existed as an extended jam for months before being edited and spliced down into a form,” Corson shares. “During recording, various household objects were shoved in guitar strings to get those percussive sounds.”
While Corson goes on to note that the track’s lyrics were inspired by John Cassavetes’ artistic-identity-crisis classic Opening Night, the official lyric video he created for “Opportunity” takes visual cues from film noir, with a particularly German-expressionist conclusion in which we meet the band. Check it out below, and pre-order Like Cartoon Vampires here.