WATCH: Get to Know BB-8 in New Japanese Trailer for “The Force Awakens”

“Hope is not lost today. It is found.”
Film + TV
WATCH: Get to Know BB-8 in New Japanese Trailer for “The Force Awakens”

“Hope is not lost today. It is found.”

Words: Bailey Pennick

November 06, 2015

It’s only been a couple of weeks since we got the “final” trailer for the indie film Star Wars: The Force Awakens in between quarters of a Monday Night Football game, but those two-and-a-half minutes have already been watched over 56 million times. Images of Princess Leia hugging a man and Han Solo confirming the myths of the original trilogy are, rightfully so, burned into our retinas because they were (supposedly) the final glimpses of the seventh film, here to tide us over until December 18. But those sneaky souls over at Disney—specifically Disney Japan—knew they had a little more to offer.

This morning, Disney’s official Japanese Youtube channel unveiled a new trailer for The Force Awakens, and from the minute the video starts, it’s quite clear that this isn’t just a recut version of the latest American trailer. This is new.

Beyond getting to check out more blockbuster fight scenes between the Resistance and the First Order (definitions of both armies here), the Japanese trailer introduces us to the adorable bleeps and bloops of the new droid in town: BB-8. It travels along with Rey (Daisy Ridley), just gabbing away, while she talks about waiting for her family. And speaking of family, we get to see Leia and Han again, but Luke is still nowhere to be found. Conspiracists continue to rant!

Star Wars: The Force Awakens still hits theaters on December 18, but you probably already knew that.

(via The Hollywood Reporter)