As one third of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Nick Zinner has had the rare opportunity to travel the world several times over. Unlike most musicians who tour the globe and snap a couple of shots for their Instagrams, Zinner is also an incredibly talented photographer. With his latest exhibit, accurately titled 601 Photographs, Zinner—who studied photography at Bard College in New York—gives fans an intimate look at the last twenty years of his life.
Zinner told Vice about the show and what it’s like to share a private part of your life with the world:
I see it as individual photos. They’re all singular moments, and I have very deep memories attached to each one. I get kind of weird about them, and a lot of the super personal photos I just didn’t put in. I’m a very private and vulnerable person, but I still have this delusion in my head that I can present images that are worth looking at no matter what they’re representing. But, at the end of the day, these are images from my life, and I’m still pretty vulnerable when I share them.
601 Photographs starts tonight at Lethal Amounts (1226 W 7th Street, Los Angeles, 90017).