LCD Soundsystem to Release New LP in 2016

And take on a full touring schedule.
LCD Soundsystem to Release New LP in 2016

And take on a full touring schedule.

Words: FLOOD Staff

January 05, 2016

James Murphy. Shut up and play the Hits. Still image.

As Pitchfork reports, LCD Soundsystem‘s James Murphy just posted a note to the band’s website referencing not only the fact that the band will be playing Coachella (as was announced last night) but also confirming that LCD Soundsystem will tour and release new music in 2016. And just when you’d gotten over never having moved to Brooklyn, too.

The post, which is titled “let’s just start this thing finally with some clarity,” Murphy also addresses the possibility that you might not want to sit through another band reunion—particularly one that’s coming only five years after the group initially split. “i was fully prepared for a certain amount of “oh fuck that guy” over-it stuff—in fact welcomed it. it’s strangely energizing to have people who don’t make music themselves take potshots at you from the internet. [sic]”

Take all the potshots you want, but this is happening. Read the rest of Murphy’s note here.

(via Pitchfork)