PLAYLIST: White Reaper’s Songs That Make Them Hungry

Cardi B, System of a Down, and Harry Nilsson soundtrack the power-pop group’s food fantasies.
PLAYLIST: White Reaper’s Songs That Make Them Hungry

Cardi B, System of a Down, and Harry Nilsson soundtrack the power-pop group’s food fantasies.

Words: Mike LeSuer

photo by Grace Lillash

October 18, 2019

If you’ve ever been to Louisville, Kentucky, you know the extent to which Colonel Sanders’ influence reigns over the city—from the KFC Yum! Center to his own museum. And with the aroma of fried chicken wafting through the south-central city, it’s no wonder White Reaper got a little side-tracked while compiling a brief playlist to promote their new album Everyone Deserves Love, resulting in a theme that’s kind of unconventional. 

Although the compilation of pop-rock tunes comprising their debut album for Elektra Records is undeniably sugar-coated, the five-piece band selected a wide range of songs venturing through disparate corners of pop, from Cardi B to Jimmy Buffett, D’Angelo to Tim McGraw. While such tracks may not have directly influenced the music on Love, the appetite they seem to have helped cultivate could very well have played a part. Everyone deserves love, sure—but everyone also deserves a good meal.

Everyone Deserves Love is out today via Elektra Records—stream it here, or order it here.

Jimmy Buffett, “Cheeseburger in Paradise”

The lyrics to this song go very deep. “Tried to amend my carnivorous habits,” Jimmy says in the first verse. He tried everything. He tries carrot juice and soaking up rays. But that’s not enough. He still craves a cheeseburger in paradise!

Harry Nilsson, “Coconut”

This song is a recipe for a delicious drink. It really sticks with you. Everyone somehow knows this song even if they don’t realize it.

Cardi B, “Bickenhead”

Bickenhead??? Cardi???? I gotta eat. This beloved Cardi hit mentions cheese, bread, and chicken. A combination for the ages. Beautiful.

D’Angelo, “Chicken Grease” 

I found out about this song a long time ago when I was taking drum lessons. My drum teacher was trying to teach me a cool groove and he picked this song. I know it’s supposed to be sexy, but as an eleven-year-old drum student it just made me want dinner.

Tim McGraw, “Something Like That”

We picked this song merely because of the BBQ sauce on his white t-shirt. What was he eating? Ribs? Brisket? Was he just squirting BBQ sauce into his mouth? Who knows.

John Fogerty, “Centerfield”

Baseball makes everyone hungry! Peanuts, popcorn, cracker jacks—you name it, I’m hungry for it now that I’ve heard that unmistakable opening riff.

Katy Perry feat. Snoop Dogg, “California Gurls” 

This is a sugary song that makes me think of candy. I’m pretty sure that’s the whole music video premise. An indulgent song that we love!

The Archies, “Sugar Sugar” 

This song makes me want a Dr. Pepper to the dome, or Hawaiian punch.

System of a Down, “Chop Suey”

I don’t think this song mentions any food, but seeing these words anywhere can make our mouths water. I’d love to share a noodle with Serj someday.

Weezer, “Pork and Beans” 

I’ve loved this song ever since I first heard it a while ago. You won’t catch me cracking open a can of the stuff, but this song brings me back to when me and my buddies first started playing songs as a band and it just makes me smile.

Warrant, “Cherry Pie”

Before I fully understood the connotations of this song it really just made me want cherry pie. Probably my favorite pie if I had to choose one.

George Thorogood, “One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer” 

Every time I hear this Thorogood track I have to take a drink. I just have to. I don’t even like bourbon or scotch. But the hunger this track puts in me is undeniable. I’m trashed by the end of the track.

Steve Tyrell, “Simple Life”

This song makes me want to eat Thanksgiving food with my family and watch a movie.