Sibille Attar Spends a Day in the Woods in Her “Why u Lookin’” Video

Shot on iPhone, the visual arrives on the heels of her second LP.
Sibille Attar Spends a Day in the Woods in Her “Why u Lookin’” Video

Shot on iPhone, the visual arrives on the heels of her second LP.

Words: Mike LeSuer

photo by Nina Andersson

April 01, 2021

Just over a month ago, Sibille Attar released her long-awaited second LP in nearly a decade with A History of Silence, a dream pop album filtered through a funhouse mirror and sustained by whatever bizarre chemicals Swedish label PNKSLM filters into their waters. Among the record’s climaxes is the sax-happy anti-nostalgia anthem “Why u Lookin’,” which is getting a video treatment today courtesy of Attar and Rebecka Rolfart (who plays bass on the record), shot on their phones in the woods. The result has a bit of a Gummo vibe—trailer parks, windbreakers, and firearms comprise the video’s loose narrative.

“[We] decided to just spend a full day playing out in the woods where we found these abandoned trailers,” Attar shares. “The storyline wrote itself, and here’s the result! Our dear friend graded it for us, and we’re crazy proud of the result—all filmed with our trashy iPhones!”

“The creation of this video was a very joyful collaboration for me,” Rolfart adds. “It was liberating to create in the moment, as if we were just playing a fun game.” 

Watch the video below, and hear the full record here.